Outdoors and Parks
Do you love Central Florida?
Interested in joining our team of contributors? We’d love to have you!
We are currently looking for new fresh voices and locals, who know what's happening and all the best places to go!
We are looking for Personal Experiences/Review articles for Your Central Florida City and neighboring cities including but not limited to:
We are also looking for article submissions including but not limited to:
If you feel you have a unique idea not previously mentioned feel free to email your pitch ideas. We are always interested in new ideas and new voices.
Please note that all writer positions are currently unpaid. However, all writers will be credited in their article with their name, headshot, city and brief bio. If you are new to writing don't be afriad to submit your articles. We welcome new writers and college students looking to be published!
If this sounds like you, please send us your article formatted with photos (make sure to only include photos you have permission to use) for review along with your headshot, name as you would like it to appear in the article, your city and a two sentence mini bio to let readers know a little about the author. Your article should be sent to media@centralfloridacities.com with the subject line “Editorial pitch”.
We’ll get back to you if we think your article is right for Central Florida Cities and/or your idea sounds like a good one – and remember, feel free make your article as unique as you see fit or embrace a niche topic.
Thanks so much, and we look forward to hearing from you!
7 Feb |
12 Feb |
19 Feb |
26 Feb |
2 Mar |
3 Mar |